Welcome to the website of Praktijk Mieke Stevens. You may have read elsewhere about the practice, or you may have been referred to this page by your (company) doctor or specialist. Or perhaps you searched on the Internet for a place where you can read about the complaints you are experiencing.
Using the menu you will find information about the treatment of pain, stress and complaints that do not always have a clearly identifiable physical cause, yet are a cause of tension and discomfort.
You can read the different topics from the menu separately or (for a complete impression) at the secions Introduction, Client and Therapy/Toolbox. Read everything at your leisure; for questions or making an introductory appointment, you can use the address details page or the contact form. It is possible to directly contact the practice for an appointment without first obtaining a referral from your general practitioner.
If you wish to go directly to the page on haptotherapy, you can click here.