Mieke Stevens

Mieke Stevens (Boxtel, 1958) developed, afer finishing her physiotherapy education, the idea that there is often a story behind physical complaints, and that a purely physical approach often does not offer a lasting solution. According to her, a purely biomedical approach is not sufficient, which is why she has specialized further through additional training.

Her fascination concerns “the human being as a whole”, in which the physical aspect is connected to the psychology of existence: the body can tell how someone lives. Treatment is not a purely mechanical issue, it is also about how a client acts and moves in a broader sense, and how he or she relates to the environment.

After working for several years in employment at other practices, Mieke decided to set up her own practice in 2000. There, she works from the conviction that body and mind are part of one entity and mutually influence each other. Both aspects are therefore discussed in relation to each other in her approach.

Mieke Stevens